'Once There Was and OnceThere Wasn’t', a project  by Corinne Silva, for A Dobradiça, Mação. © Jim Varney


Antson’ ny tontolo miaina/Interpeller le vivant 1 & 2

October 18, 2024
Ce projet met en avant la capacité de l'art et de la culture à agir en faveur de l'environnement à Madagascar, les artistes choisis questionnent l'urgence climatique de Madagascar où la sagesse locale peut apporter des solutions adaptées.
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A Dobradiça biennale 2, Mação, Portugal

July 3, 2023
La jeune biennale A Dobradiça – Encontros Contemporâneos, créée en 2021, se situe au carrefour des arts visuels et du débat d’idées. L’édition 2023 vise à combler le fossé entre l’évidence des catastrophes environnementales imminentes.
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’Mers, Terres & Corps traversés’

April 28, 2023
La Traverse, Marseille , April 28th. till May 21, with Malala Andrialavidrazana, Francis Alÿs, Shivanjani Lal, Louisa Marajo, Tuli Mekondjo, Otobong Nkanga and Jean-Paul Thibeau curated by Cécile Bourne-Farrell
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'Once There Was and Once There Wasn’t', a project  by Corinne Silva for Adobradiça Biennial, Mação, Portugal
October 18, 2024
This outdoor installation embodies the history, and decline, of industry in the region as well as the ways in which the land itself is harnessed in production.
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"Make Your Poem" by Sylvie Blocher, Centre cardiologique du Nord, Saint-Denis
July 16, 2024
"Make Your Poem" is a collaborative and imaginative work by Sylvie Blocher commissioned by a group of caregivers from the CCN, accompanied by individuals working in audiovisual production.
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Baptist Coelho, Attemps at resilience and empathy
October 5, 2023
At the occasion of Baptist Coelho residency at the Flanders Fields Museum, the artist produced a new work titled: 'Agar is dharti tay koyi jannat hai, o ay hi hay, ay hi hai, ay hi hai', from July to November 2022 a great book was published.
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Jem Perucchini, painter of all potentials
April 25, 2023
"Jem Perucchini, peintre de tous les potentiels". Le jeune travail de l’artiste Jem Perucchini nous invite à appréhender sa peinture dans une certaine filiation de la peinture siennoise dont il s’inspire a gagné le Prix Jean-François Prat 2023!
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Interview Corinne Silva and Cécile Bourne-Farrell
January 3, 2023
An Interview between the artist Corinne Silva and Cécile Bourne-Farrell about The Score(You and I Both Know) curated by Cécile Bourne-Farrell and Professor Vivienne Jabri, The Arcade, King’s College London, 7 February – 3 March 2023.
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An interview with Abtin Sarabi
December 22, 2022
Interview avec l'auteur du film ‘Parcelles 57’ (28mn) réalisé en 2020 par Abtin Sarabin suite à un appel à projets de films documentaires au Sénégal. Ce projet parle de la canne à sucre et comment le sucre en est extrait et exploité.
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Cécile Bourne-Farrell is an exhibition curator for public and private structures.

Since 2015, she is a fellow curator in the Department of War Studies, King’s College London, and at Arts Cabinet, London.

Her curatorial projects focus on decolonial practices based on a curatorial ethos between artists, institutional and private infrastructures. Current curatorial projects include:

- ’Seas, Lands and Bodies Crossed’, April 28th. till May 21 @ La Traverse, Marseille with Malala Andrialavidrazana, Francis Alÿs, Shivanjani Lal, Louisa Marajo, Tuli Mekondjo, Otobong Nkanga and Jean-Paul Thibeau. 

- 'Antson’ ny tontolo miaina/Interpeller le vivant', Antananarivo, Madagascar, May 20-June 5th., with Malala Andrialavidrazana, Cyrille Cornu, Andrée Ethève, Miora Rajaonary, Richiany Ratovo, a collaboration with Ihoby Rabarijohn, co-curator and

- A Dobradiça Biennale, Mação, Portugal, July 6th.-August 11th. 2023

- ‘Mapping Injury’, a UKRI Frontier Research Grant (Horizon Europe Guarantee) working with Vivienne Jabri in the Department of War Studies, King’s College London.

Cécile Bourne-Farrell is a member of AICA, AWITA and CIMAM and writes regularly about contemporary artists.